Veronica Colondam Became A Social Entrepreneur Empowering Women And Youngsters Through YCAB Foundation.
Veronica Colondam’s journey begins
Meet this woman, Veronica Colondam, Founder & CEO of YCAB. Veronica had a tough start. When she was 18, her father suddenly passed away. That was a very difficult time for her family.
At that time, she was studying for her final exams in her third year of high school. Because of her father’s sudden death and poor financial condition, she was unable to attend university that year. She handled all the situations. Furthermore, at the age of 26, she realised that being a homemaker was good, but it wasn’t enough for her; she wanted to accomplish something more. She asked 2 questions to herself that made her a social entrepreneur.
What 2 questions made Veronica a social entrepreneur?
The 1st question was, what have I done up until then, and 2nd was what will I be doing with the rest of my life? Both of these questions changed her life and made her a social entrepreneur.
She asked herself: What does I actually want to do in my life? She realised that she wanted to make a difference and put her love for the world into action. That’s why she decided to dedicate her life to establishing a foundation that can empower at-risk youngsters and ultra-micro-entrepreneurial mothers to enhance their families’ well-being and kids’ education.
Finally, in 1999, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) Foundation was established in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a mission to see a thriving world where youth and mothers are empowered through love, hope, and opportunity to be liberated from generational poverty in sustainable ways.
What is YCAB Foundation?
Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) Foundation is a social enterprise that was established in 1999 as a non-profit organisation with a focus on sustainable youth development. Now, YCAB is also a profit-making entity that helps ultra-microentrepreneurial mothers to enhance the welfare of their families and the educational opportunities for their kids. They also invest in social enterprises that have a significant impact and are scalable, supporting YCAB’s mission.
- YCAB has created multiple educational opportunities, including scholarships to higher education, for thousands of YCAB Ventures beneficiaries’ children.
- It has benefited to more than 4.1 million beneficiaries through education, economic access, and entrepreneurship.
- It has brought greater financial inclusion to almost 200,000 micro-entrepreneurial mothers.
Rewards and Awards:
During her social entrepreneurial journey, Veronica won various awards and recognitions. These are a few accomplishments.
- In 2015, Forbes’ 48 Asian Philanthropist Award.
- In 2020, Women of Impact, Manila.
- Asia’s Top Superwomen (Singapore, 2021).
Veronica recognised her potential and built a social enterprise, empowering women and youngsters through YCAB Foundation.