HomeIndonesiaIndonesia-Based Kemenkominfo has Partnered with Google Cloud

Indonesia-Based Kemenkominfo has Partnered with Google Cloud

The Google Cloud Career Launchpad program was introduced in Indonesia  by Google Cloud and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo).

The Google Cloud Career Launchpad program was introduced in Indonesia  by Google Cloud and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo).

The pair stated in a statement that this cloud learning program, which was first led by 21 Kemenkominfo higher education partners, gives recently graduated students the marketable, in-demand cloud skills they need to succeed in entry-level cloud positions in today’s technologically advanced labor market.

The statement claims that by giving students at the 21 higher education institutions free access to programs and courses like cloud computing foundations, cloud engineering, cloud data analytics, cloud cybersecurity, and cloud digital leader skills, Google Cloud Career Launchpad offers them the exceptional chance to earn industry-recognized Google Cloud Certificates and skills badges.

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“A skilled cloud workforce is needed to accelerate and sustain Indonesia’s digital transformation, This is why we’re partnering with Google Cloud on its Cloud Career Launchpad, an initiative that enables students at higher education institutions to earn nationally-recognized Google Cloud skills credentials at no cost, opening doors to jobs in artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud engineering,” said Nezar Patria, Vice Minister, Communications and Informatics. As a start, this initiative aims to benefit 8,500 students over the next 12 months, with plans for expansion to reach even more students in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, in line with our strategy for strengthening regional digital ecosystems under the Digital Indonesia Vision (VID) 2045,” he added

Alauddin Islamic State University (UIN Alauddin), Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UINAR), Banjarmasin Polytechnic (POLIBAN), Binus University; Darul ‘Ulum University (UNDAR); Indraprasta PGRI University (UNINDRA); Jambi Polytechnic (POLJAM); Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED); Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM); Padjadjaran University (UNPAD); President University; Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW); Sebelas Maret University (UNS); Syiah Kuala University (USK); Telkom University; Tidar University (UNTIDAR); University of Bina Bangsa Getsempena (UBBG); University of Indonesia (UI); and University of Singape

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“Organizations are increasingly looking to drive tangible business outcomes through their deployment of enterprise-grade gen AI solutions at scale, triggering a rise in demand and employment opportunities for skilled cloud talent.,To bridge the cloud talent gap, we’re launching Google Cloud Career Launchpad, in partnership with Kemenkominfo, to enable students from 21 higher education institutions to acquire Google Cloud credentials that unlock job opportunities and rank amongst the highest-paying information technology (IT) certifications globally,” said Fanly Tanto, Country Director, Indonesia, Google Cloud.

About Kemenkominfo

Kemenkominfo, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) is a government agency in Indonesia that oversees public communication, broadcasting, information technology, telecommunications, and information affairs. Its goals include creating a world-class communications and information technology sector in Indonesia and working toward a better future for all Indonesians.

About Google Cloud

Google Cloud helps every company digitally improve its business and sector. They offer enterprise-grade solutions using Google’s cutting-edge technology and sustainable development tools. Customers in over 200 countries and territories trust Google Cloud to help them develop and solve their biggest business issues.

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